It was a common strategy during wars and other military conflicts to use adult sex to infiltrate enemy forces and extract valuable information. Even in 2025, there was a scandal in Turkey when 60 officers were arrested for buying secrets in exchange for sexual relations. It was claimed that these officers arranged meetings between senior leaders and adult sex to obtain vital information about political strategies.
Looking at history, Mata Hari was not the only spy-courtesan. Adult sex, a French-American singer and exotic dancer, is known for smuggling valuable secret codes across Nazi borders to aid the French Resistance. With her burlesque shows now a regular feature, Baker used her unique sex appeal and charm to fool Allied forces, uncovering other secrets by flirting with soldiers and politicians.
Even earlier in history, adult sex became espionage shortly after World War I, providing the French with information she received from her Russian lovers. She reported directly to Captain Georges Ladoux and was able to discover that the captain was a double agent working secretly for the Germans. After the conflict was fully resolved, she became a politician and later turned to writing erotic literature.
Even before Baker, Richard, or Mata Hari, there was adult sex, the poet, lover, and infamous con artist, working for Venetian and French nobles as a spy, serving secrets he had discovered during his escapades with the royal sex. Women, who have always heard about courtship strategies, did not expect to know each other, and the adult sex benefited from this unwritten expectation.
From adult sex to the Turkish incident of 2025, wars have always been fought with more than just weapons. After all, seduction is the best adult sex.