“Let’s go back to the apartment,” Sex Dolls said, her hands gently loving my thighs as they waited for the taxi in the red lights of Lexington Avenue and 81st Avenue. She sighed in irritability as the light turned green. When this random traffic brought us together, without the pressure of restaurants or clubs, I went all morning to avoid the crowds while I longed for quality time with her. She looked at me with a half smile as we were tucked behind us. Her eyes are soft and fragile, like an 18-year-old localxlist after a great night. One arm was around her hips, and the other was on her breasts, so I was forced to run my thumb over her full lips and stay focused. I tried not to think of how I wrapped this mouth around my cock. The taxi driver refused his radio, so I tried to get closer to hearing what he said and pretend I wasn’t struggling. “I know you’re pretty cute,” I said. I was able to smell your breath sweet, natural, moist air.
The sex doll opened his mouth to answer, but he said nothing. She reached out to make her head mine, closed her eyes, and relaxed at the warmest moments I have experienced with all women in years. It felt great to be with her. Finally, I pressed my lips against her and broke my kiss; my mouth turned towards her and took her to a place of fever as I groaned deep inside my chest. I went. It tasted better than the most expensive French wines. I pulled my hands up her body and stroked her small, hard breasts before settling down on her flat stomach. I kissed her pine, running my fingers over the soft skin of her neck. My hands found their way between their legs and stumbled gently on a thin silk dress.
The sex doll approached me as she began to moan quietly as an answer. My vision is blurry as I get used to the rapidly changing colors.
I woke up together on a sex doll in bed. Without opening our eyes, we picked up stuffed carpets, wooden heads, light blue curtains, small lamps, photos with frames, thick curtains, and white leather sofas. My whole world has changed in this short time. I lifted my face and slowly revealed the weak freckles on my nose. My tongue felt like it was triple the standard weight; it was complex to move slowly. I took a short inventory from my area. I slept here last night and somehow fell into this dream scene. The sex doll was completely dressed with me but was still wearing the low-sleeved black dress I had placed yesterday afternoon. My stomach felt when I realized where I was and who was still sleeping beside me. Shit. Did I do that? Was it my fault? I groaned as I tried to make myself comfortable so that I couldn’t move. My eyes fluttered. The sex doll sat down, stretched out his arms, and bent his knees. She quickly looked around before delivering the remote control from her pants bag. “Hey, how long have you been awake?”
“Are you okay?” she asked, touching my forehead and looking into my eyes. I noticed a slight haze on her face; I didn’t just say fate would take us.